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Topic review


martin wrote:

Eselbaer wrote:

One more question please:
Can the use of a master password be enforced?

No. How do image this would work? Would use be required to set up a master password on a first run? Or disallowed to save a password, unless he sets up a master password?

Both options you mentioned would work. I admit it would be a bit annoying for users.

Eselbaer wrote:

One more question please:
Can the use of a master password be enforced?

No. How do image this would work? Would use be required to set up a master password on a first run? Or disallowed to save a password, unless he sets up a master password?

One more question please:
Can the use of a master password be enforced?
The documentation mentions some restrictions to be configured, but not this one.


Thanks Martin for the fast clarification.

Re: Is the proxy password being encrypted by the master password

Yes, all passwords are encrypted, including proxy and tunnel passwords.

Is the proxy password being encrypted by the master password

Is the proxy password being encrypted by the master password as well?
(I searched, but did not find the answer to this particular question)
