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Re: Problems with SFTP if password contains non ASCII characters

jagger wrote:

Do you have the terminal coding in PuTTy set to UTF-8?

Yes, I have.

What is your SSH/SFTP server?

Re: Problems with SFTP if password contains non ASCII characters

Hi, unfortunately the server does not belong to me. Do you have the terminal coding in PuTTy set to UTF-8?

Re: Problems with SFTP if password contains non ASCII characters

Any chance of getting a test account on your server? On the servers I've tried this with, PuTTY does not work either with non-ascii passwords.

Problems with SFTP if password contains non ASCII characters

I am using the latest version of WinSCP (verson 5.1.7 build 3446).
There is a problem with logging in via SFTP if password contains non ASCII characters.
In my case it is ö (o umlaut). Changing the password to less strong without non ASCII characters solved the problem but I think you should have a look on this issue.

I have found an older post in which the guy had a pound sign in his password. The post is from 2011 and it looks like this problem has not been solved for a long long time then.