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bkernst wrote:

I get the same on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (updates are always up to date), sometimes also on Windows XP Professional 32 bit.
This problem has really started annoying me actually. This often happens to me when switching between WinSCP and an IDE or text editor.

Often this "not responding" message by the operating system is just a matter of telling the operating system that it can do some processing like events, repaint, etc. This is handy in loops to run once in a while or while waiting for things to happen. C# uses "Application.DoEvents();" and maybe C++ as well. VB has something similar. Just put this into the WinSCP code on selected spots.

I have sent you an email.

I get the same on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (updates are always up to date), sometimes also on Windows XP Professional 32 bit.
This problem has really started annoying me actually. This often happens to me when switching between WinSCP and an IDE or text editor.

Often this "not responding" message by the operating system is just a matter of telling the operating system that it can do some processing like events, repaint, etc. This is handy in loops to run once in a while or while waiting for things to happen. C# uses "Application.DoEvents();" and maybe C++ as well. VB has something similar. Just put this into the WinSCP code on selected spots.

Re: WinSCP is "not responding when I click "C: Drive"

Thanks for info.
Question to public: Has anyone else have the problem? On what version of Windows?

WinSCP is "not responding when I click "C: Drive"


WinSCP is "not responding" in task manager for 30 seconds when I click "C: Drive" to try to change to floppy. Works eventually, but not useable at the moment. This happens every time you try to change drive.

Using Windows 2000 SP2, WinSCP V3.5 (build 204)
There are no error messages in the application.
We can connect to sites normally and transfer files using SCP from the C: Drive, just can't change drive easily.

