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Topic review



For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: parsing error

What is your remote OS?

Anyway I recommend you to switch to SFTP protocol.

parsing error


It seems that winSCP has problems parsing file information. An eror appears when I enter a directory and no files are shown. When I log onto the server with other SCP clients I have no problems (though other clients are not as nice to use as WinSCP).

The error message suggests that WinSCP is not parsing the date information correctly:

Unexpected directory listing line '-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 3 25 Nov 2003 .CFUserTextEncoding'.
'2003 .' is not a valid integer value

Version of WinSCP: 3.6.1

Transfer protocol: SCP

Interface: Explorer-style)