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Finded with add -delete after put ><

Problem to delete


I'm new in programming and my english is very bad, sorry

I want to delete all files in a local folder, but i fail

option batch on

option confirm off

# open user:XXXXXXX

open ftp://XXXXXXX

option transfer binary

put c:\temp\PDF\ *.pdf* www/certificat/PDF

# don't know how do work rm for local :(
# should i do : rm *.pdf* c:\temp\PDF\
# Or something like : lcd c:\temp\PDF\
# rm *.pdf*


So my upload work great but i can't remove files in local folder c:\temp\PDF\
I do like that because my .bat copy files at launching in another folder so these one are just tempory folders.
I already checked the doc and forum so can someone tell me where i'm wrong : /