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Re: Offline documentation

Thanks for your suggestion. Though there is a very small demand for offline documentation to justify the effort.

Offline Documentation

I experimented. I disabled the ftp ports through the firewall and was still able to use ftp on IP address Therefore, I can access the internet while developing. Also, when using two computers, I can use the client (the one using WinSCP) to gain access to the internet.

It would still be useful to access documentation at times when no internet is available (like at a customer site).

By the way, I've been using WinSCP for years. I run FileZilla Server on tester computers and WinSCP on data servers for automating file processing. I recently discovered that WinSCP has a .NET assembly for embedding the ftp interface inside a .NET program. This is the topic for which I need access to the documentation.

Hamilton Woods

Offline documentation

I would like to have access to the WinSCP documentation while not connected to the internet in order to avoid security risks by having ftp ports enabled through the Windows firewall only while using ftp and disabling them before connecting to the internet. Not being a computer security expert, my temporal solution is to develop using two computers (one for development and one for reading the WinSCP documentation). This would also be useful for situations where I need documentation while at a customer site where I do not have internet access.

I am open to any suggestions for how to access the online documentation while ftp ports are enabled through the Windows firewall without exposing the development computer to security risks.

I would consider creating a document from the online documentation that others could use if there is a way to gain access to the documentation set.

Thanks for your help,
Hamilton Woods