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I apparently stared at it way too long and missed that. That's the first site I've come across that the folder names were case sensitive.

Thanks for your help and yes I do need to upgrade. :)

In GUI you upload to /home/se2_2_gafg/Share/se2_2_gafg/IN_TO_GA/, while in script to /home/se2_2_gafg/share/se2_2_gafg/IN_TO_GA. Note the capital S in GUI. I guess this makes the difference.

Also you should really upgrade. WinSCP 4.3.7 is pretty old.

Here are the logs.


Re: Permission denied when using command line but not GUI.

Enable logging for both GUI and scripting session and compare the log. If it does not help, please attach the logs here.

Permission denied when using command line but not GUI.

I have an FTP site that I'm connecting to that I'm able to connect to fine using both the GUI and in the command line. With the GUI, I'm able to change directories okay and transmit files to whatever directory I want. When I use from the command line, I get a permission denied when trying to list the contents of any folder but the root and transmit files to any folder other than the root. The permissions must be there on their side in order for the GUI to work. Is there any reason that the GUI would work but not the command line?

Thanks for your help.