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Topic review


Re: Error skipping startup message

See documentation for details about "Error skipping startup message" error.

Re: Error skipping startup message

Please post log file. Also try to search the forum, similar problems have already been described many times here.

Same problem

I get the same problems. I, however, don't allow my user account to have a traditional shell. I am, instead setting the user's shell to /bin/scpsh. Seems like WinSCP and this shell stuff don't play well.

Error skipping startup message

I've just set up WinSCP on my computer, but for some reason it gives the error message above ("Error skipping statup message") every time I try to log in.

I have used this program on another computer and it works just fine, but what could wrong now...?

I already tried redoing the setup process, but no help...

Would be grateful for any ideas.