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Re: Remote Copy?

WinSCP does not support RCP protocol.

Remote Copy?

I have a semi-complex problem.

I need to transfer files from one UNIX server to another via a windows workstation.

The way the servers are setup are as follows:
I connect to to copy files to by FTP/WinSCP. Then in a command windows (putty) I would have to input the command:

astro% ssh

to access that server. To copy files to it, traditionally, I would have to use (from Astro) the command:

astro% rcp ardguest.php shelob:/WWW/ardguest.php

However, I need to copy more than one file and in a laborious manner (different files in different subfolders, etc).

So, is there a way with WinSCP (or anything else) that I may acheive this?

Thanks ahead..