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Re: Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client

Anonymous wrote:

thanks for the reply but still iam not clear here, what do u mean by mask box ? see i am using putty as a client and thru that i want to copy or select multile files & that assentialy required wild card presence.... so what is the solution now ??

I've thought that you ask for help with WinSCP. This is not Putty support forum!!
Anyway, you cannot transfer files with Putty. You maybe mean PSCP or PSFTP clients from Putty package, but how do I know which one?

Re: Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client

martin wrote:

Sourabh wrote:

Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client ?

I hope that by PSFT you mean SFTP in general, not PSFTP client.
if no then what is the solution available for the same ?

You have not specified for what purpose you need to use wild cards. You may want to select files to transfer (use Mark/Select files), to exclude certain files from transfer (use Exclude mask box in transfer options) or to change name of transfered files (specify change file mask instead of '*.*' on transfer confirmation dialog).

thanks for the reply but still iam not clear here, what do u mean by mask box ? see i am using putty as a client and thru that i want to copy or select multile files & that assentialy required wild card presence.... so what is the solution now ??

Re: Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client

Sourabh wrote:

Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client ?

I hope that by PSFT you mean SFTP in general, not PSFTP client.
if no then what is the solution available for the same ?

You have not specified for what purpose you need to use wild cards. You may want to select files to transfer (use Mark/Select files), to exclude certain files from transfer (use Exclude mask box in transfer options) or to change name of transfered files (specify change file mask instead of '*.*' on transfer confirmation dialog).

Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client

Can we Use Wild Card Characters in PSFT client ?
if no then what is the solution available for the same ?