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Re: Server refused to start a shell/command - Axway SFTP

You need to have shell access enabled on the server to use remote commands feature of WinSCP. I do not know Axway SFTP to suggest you what option to enable. You should contact the vendor.

Server refused to start a shell/command - Axway SFTP


I'm trying to unzip a .zip file remotly on SFTP location through my .net based client utility and I am getting an error message - "Server refused to start a shell/command". Please help me in this.

I'm unable to find any option in Axway Admin console to enable the shell command or please assist me where I have to made these configuration.

Operation - Remotly unzip a zip file.
SFTP Solution - Axway
Remote Command - unzip -o -d /Incoming

Harsh Wordhan Gupta
Sr Manager - Technology