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Re: File conversion issue in WINSCP

Maju wrote:

Is there any chance for file conversion by WINSCP even if the files are inside a ZIP file ?

No way. WinSCP does not understand ZIP format.

File conversion issue in WINSCP

Hi Support Team,

I am facing an issue with WINSCP like follows,

Customer is saying that they are uploading ZIPPED files to sFTP in UTF8 format.
When we download the ZIP files from this sFTP using WINSCP and UNZIP it, sometimes we are getting UTF8 correctly but some times ANSI also getting.
Since our applciation could not support ANSI files, it is making issues and we could not solve this so far.

Is there any chance for file conversion by WINSCP even if the files are inside a ZIP file ?

Thanks in advance.