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Re: Using /upload command line option.

Jaime wrote:

The option /upload is very useful to automate uploading files, but if you must be there clicking the OK button it's no so useful.

Full scripting/automation will be included in the next major version.
The /upload switch is there only to support Windows "Send to" menu, not for automation.

Re: Using /upload command line option.

I have exactly the same problem. Reading the FAQ it says to use some commandline scp client (e.g. PSCP), which is not possible on my side, because I need socks proxy support, so /upload with just doing the upload and quit would be perfect.



Using /upload command line option.

Hi all,

Is there any option to avoid the window that asks for the confirmation to copy a file when using the upload command line option?

The option /upload is very useful to automate uploading files, but if you must be there clicking the OK button it's no so useful.

Thanks a lot.

:?: :?: