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Topic review


Re: Update

Thanks for your feedback.


I got the debug version email this morning. I have been failing to duplicate the problem using both the debug and the std version.
I did update my VC++ libraries yesterday during a different application installation which is the only change I can think of.
I will keep watching for problems and reply to this post if it returns.

Re: Invalid floating point operation

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

Invalid floating point operation

Invalid floating point operation

Please help us improving WinSCP by reporting the error on WinSCP support forum.
OK Help Report

WinSCP Version 5.5.6 (Build 4746)
Windows 7 Ult SP1 (US)
Transfer Protocol (doesn't matter -- SFTP, FTP, SCP)
GUI (explorer, probably doesn't matter)

Process to repeat on my system -

If I launch the program and leave the window alone it seems to work just fine however if I attempt to resize or move the window things often go sideways. I seem to be getting 100% failure if I attempt to drag a maximized window however occasionally I get errors on other drag cases as well.

I know dragging a maximized window isn't something most people do very often, however I am running a 4k screen with MaxTo to split it up into 6 "monitor" like regions, and I suspect this kind of usage will become much more common for your user demographic as time progresses.