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Topic review


Re: Temporary Folder path to include connection name

cando wrote:

Feature currently available. See Options -> Preferences -> Storage -> Temporary Directory -> "Append session name to temporary path".

Correct, see

Re: Temporary Folder path to include connection name

Feature currently available. See Options -> Preferences -> Storage -> Temporary Directory -> "Append session name to temporary path".

Anonymous wrote:

I often edit the same file (path and name) on multiple servers comparing the differences. Currently I have to remember the order I opened them to know which file belongs to which server. In my editor, when I hover over the tab of the files being edited, it shows the path of the open file.
If the Temporary Folder path contained the connection name I could tell which server the file was from.

Temporary Folder path to include connection name

I often edit the same file (path and name) on multiple servers comparing the differences. Currently I have to remember the order I opened them to know which file belongs to which server. In my editor, when I hover over the tab of the files being edited, it shows the path of the open file.
If the Temporary Folder path contained the connection name I could tell which server the file was from.