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Please attach unobfuscated log from the GUI as well as from the script. You can mark the attachments as private.

And attached is the log...

Thanks so much for your help!

Attached is a screenshot of the error...

Server Refuse Our Key


I've spent two days on this issue and could not figure it out... Hope somebody could help me with it...

I created a key pair by using PuttyGen. The public key is given to the host admin, and I use the private key to connect to the host via WinSCP GUI (WinSCP.exe) and it is working fine; I can connect to the host without any problems.

The issue is that I could not use it via Command line ( -- it throws server refuse our key error everytime. This happens the same when I try to connect via SSIS using .net assemly.

Would anybody know what is going on and how to fix it? What am I missing? What drives me crazy is I can connect via the WinSCP GUI (WinSCP.exe) but not via command line (

Thanks so much!