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Re: WinSCP.exe can't connect to router

Ivan1 wrote:

Hi Martin
I did what you asked in the first post.
But seeing the log, the command "sh" , introduced earlier than it expects router

OK. So I'm afraid that WinSCP is not compatible with the custom system of your router.

Re: WinSCP.exe can't connect to router

Hi Martin
I did what you asked in the first post.
But seeing the log, the command "sh" , introduced earlier than it expects router

Re: WinSCP.exe can't connect to router

Does not work.

WinSCP.exe can't connect to router

when I connect the router via Putty it gives the message
Welcome to IAD2 CLI, you can type '?' to find usage

view @ name of the router>

then I type "sh" and see

 view @ name of the router>sh

BusyBox v1.15.3 () built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
~ #

using WinSCP, the program immediately thinks she's in shell, and gives this message in log:
Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).

what i need to set up in WinSCP
that would be after authorization entered the command "sh"
and then the program tried to work with the router for scp

sorry for my English