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Topic review


Thanks - that all I needed to know - as long as the encryption ICON is locked, it's safe.

Well, again: WinSCP always encrypts, so the encryption icon as always locked.

Thanks - that all I needed to know - as long as the encryption ICON is locked, it's safe.

I am obviously new to all this and your help is much appreciated.

Re: encryption icon locked but info says "The server does not support any SFTP extension."

What does encryption has to do with SFTP extension? :-)

WinSCP supports only SSH. So you are always 100% sure that the connection is encrypted, because WinSCP does not know other way to connect.

SFTP servers may support some standard or proprietary extensions (like calculation od file MD5 hash). Most of the servers, particulary OpenSSH, does not support any extension.

encryption icon locked but info says "The server does not support any SFTP extension."

Is it encrypted or not if the icon says aes and displays as locked but, when you double click on the icon and it says, "The server does not support any SFTP extension."
