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Re: Cannot login

After struggling for some time, I cannot work out how to use this TLS login in a script. Do I have to generate a certificate? This application has no security issues.

Very grateful for any ideas.

Re: Cannot login

Wonderful - it works. Just have to figure how to do tls in a script now!

The explanatipn for the problem turns out to be that without warning or notification our hosting service has transferred our account to a server which does not permit unencrypted FTP. winSCP looks a great product, very many thanks for your help.

Andrew S.

Re: Cannot login

When you select the FTP protocol on the Login dialog, an Encryption selection appears next to the protocol selection.

Re: Cannot login

Thanks prikryl, I was just trying to figure out how to do that!

Re: Cannot login

Can you try to use TLS encryption in WinSCP too?

Re: Cannot login

martin wrote:

Can you post a FileZilla log too? (a real log file, not the message log from GUI)

Herewith - done with their 'verbose' debug mode. N.B. The user name is different, but was the one I originally used for winscp. I finally set up a different one (in the vague hope that it might work)!

Mnay thanks for your help.

Andrew S

Re: Cannot login

Can you post a FileZilla log too? (a real log file, not the message log from GUI)

Cannot login

Login fails with

"Timeout detected. (control connection)
Connection failed."

Appears to get no reply after sending "USER winscp". However Filezilla and nppftp work fine on this win 8.1 machine. I have added winscp to windows firewall and have even tried disabling firewall completely to no effect.

Any ideas, I would be very grateful.

Log attached