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Re: Issue With WINSCP GUI

Where if your local "Documents" folder located?

Can you navigate to another folder using Drives drop down or Open Directory command?


Using WINSCP Version 5.7.5 (Build 5665)

I am launching WINSCP from a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.
I am using SFTP to connect to a Linux Server.
I am able to connect and see the remote file system directories on my Linux server, but my Local directories are not being shown?
I have another Windows Server in a different domain and everything works as it should when connecting to a similar windows server.

On my good instance, I see these items on the Toolbar...

Local - Mark - Files - Commands - Session - Options - Remote - Help

On the instance I am having issues with I only see these items on the Toolbar...

File - Commands - Mark - Session - View - Help

I have tried both Explorer and Commander interfaces and tried to set the local directory, but I am having no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated