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Re: how to turn on pageant support???

Anonymous wrote:

Finally I did it! Pageant integration was not woriking because I created winscp session record prior to running pageant. All newly created sessions are woriking fine and use pageant as expected.

That's nonsense :-) I must be something else.

Re: how to turn on pageant support???

martin wrote:

Can you post a log file?

Finally I did it! Pageant integration was not woriking because I created winscp session record prior to running pageant. All newly created sessions are woriking fine and use pageant as expected.

Re: how to turn on pageant support???

Can you post a log file?

how to turn on pageant support???


I do have both putty & winscp far plugin installed. My problem is that winscp seems to ignore running pageant and always asks for a password on connect, while putty work just as expected w/o asking passwords.

What's up? Is this problem only mine?