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Re: Different size of files

PHP files are by default transfered using 'text' (or ASCII) mode. In this case the size usually change. Note that as long as the file is plain-text (what PHP is) no information is lost, it is just a change in format. Anyway if you want to avoid this, force 'binary' mode on copy confirmation dialog. You may check 'use same settings next time' to force the setting forever. However for some file types the conversion is necessary as some unix application require that the files are converted. I believe that PHP can handle both formats on both platforms.

Different size of files

Hi there,

just a little question:
Why do I see 2 different sizes of my files. For Example:
Local: test.php 4.193 bytes
Remote: test.php 4.079 bytes

It's the same file, but different sizes - can someone explain me please?
And it would be perfect, if someone could tell me what do I have to change to see the same size on local AND remote.

Kind regards
