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Re: The synchronize button deleted everything in my "My Computer" folder.

Anonymous wrote:

Perhaps my version 3.6.6 doesnt have the dialog for synchronization, Ill try the latest version.

The dialog was there ever since the "synchonize" was added. Only way how you could delete all your files without getting warning, was to select all the files and pressing delete with having turned off deletion confirmation before.

Re: The synchronize button deleted everything in my "My Computer" folder.

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Without warning, synchronize has deleted my "My computer" folder. Including 10 GB of mp3's.

1. There are drives in "My computer" folder. They cannot be deleted.
2. Considering that you mean that contents of your drives were deleted (while you cannot obviously delete everyting, like Windows itself), yes it may be intended functionality, depending on what were the options for synchronisation. If you have selected local synchronisation (including obsolete file deletion) of whole local drive against empty remote directory, then you've asked WinSCP to delete whole your local drive.
3. How "without warning"? If you have clicked "synchronize" instead of "refresh" you should see with dialog for synchronisaton options first.

Yarg, "My Computer" = "My Documents" my bad, I was slightly irritated at the time, trying to find free hard drive recovery software.

Perhaps my version 3.6.6 doesnt have the dialog for synchronization, Ill try the latest version. When I clicked what I thought was the refresh button I was greeted by a windows dialog informing me that I could not delete an mp3 which was currently playing. Leaving that file and a few others as the only remaining files in my "My Documents" folder.

Re: The synchronize button deleted everything in my "My Computer" folder.

Anonymous wrote:

Without warning, synchronize has deleted my "My computer" folder. Including 10 GB of mp3's.

1. There are drives in "My computer" folder. They cannot be deleted.
2. Considering that you mean that contents of your drives were deleted (while you cannot obviously delete everyting, like Windows itself), yes it may be intended functionality, depending on what were the options for synchronisation. If you have selected local synchronisation (including obsolete file deletion) of whole local drive against empty remote directory, then you've asked WinSCP to delete whole your local drive.
3. How "without warning"? If you have clicked "synchronize" instead of "refresh" you should see with dialog for synchronisaton options first.

Re: The synchronize button deleted everything in my "My Computer" folder.

In case anyone is wondering, i clicked synchronize instead of refresh.

The synchronize button deleted everything in my "My Computer" folder.

Without warning, synchronize has deleted my "My computer" folder. Including 10 GB of mp3's.

Is this intended functionality?