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Re: Bug using 3.7.1 with Mac and international signs?

SFTP until version 3 had no requirements on character table for filenames. Only since version 4, filename should be in UTF-8 format to allow work with files containing non-english letters. As you server is OpenSSH, which I believe does not support SFTP4, I see no solution. On the other hand I haven't seen the problem before, even if I use OpenSSH regularly. Can I have a test account on your server?

Bug using 3.7.1 with Mac and international signs?


it seems to me that there is a bug when trying to copy files from Win to Mac OSX machine where the file name contains international signs such as ä,ö,ü. Every time I get this error message:
Bad message (badly formatted packet or protocol incompatibility).
Error code: 5
Error message from server: Bad message
Request code: 3

On the Mac currently runs OpenSSH_3.6.1p1+CAN-2004-0175
