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Topic review

Anton P.

Re: Excluded Files Mask

martin wrote:

n/a wrote:

1) The user explicitly clicks on a single file to transfer.

This is questionable. What if you select two files? :-)

Moreover, I mainly use exclude masks to exclude files which are typically very large, in order to prevent me from absent-mindedly transferring an enormous file to a remote filestore where I have a low space quota. To me it makes no difference whether it's one file or lots of files.

Re: Excluded Files Mask

n/a wrote:

1) The user explicitly clicks on a single file to transfer.

This is questionable. What if you select two files? :-)
2) it is to be edited. At least put up a notice telling me that the file wasn't transfered because of the mask - it currently just errors with the temporary file not found.

I agree with this. I'll make WinSCP ignore exclude mask for editing.

Excluded Files Mask

Files should not be excluded if:

1) The user explicitly clicks on a single file to transfer.
2) it is to be edited. At least put up a notice telling me that the file wasn't transfered because of the mask - it currently just errors with the temporary file not found.