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Re: limited ls (--fulltime)

Can you post a log file? I'm interested. When 'ls -la --full-time' command fails (with non-zero exit code), WinSCP should fallback to 'ls -la' automatically. I do not know why it does not work in your case.

To avoid the problem, uncheck "try to get full timestamp" on SCP tab of login dialog or use SFTP instead of SCP. But anyway, please post a log file.
Ivar F

limited ls (--fulltime)

Hi! I'm using the latest version of WinSCP to connect to my Ipaq, running Familiar linux. the familiar linux is however very limited, and do not f.ex. understand the switch --fulltime used on the initial ls-command given in each directory. And the result is empty directory-listings...

Is there any way (other than changing the source-code) that I can change this? Can I f.ex. make WinSCP just use the command ls-la ?