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Re: Komodo + WinSCP

I'm sorry I do not have time now to check Komodo myself. You may ask their support how to run the editor, so that the launched process is running as long as the edited file is opened and closed with it.

Komodo + WinSCP

i am trying to combine my editor with WinSCP. I have read through some of the external editor problems posted in the forum, and i can't seem to find a solution.
I tried the following:
Give a stable directory and not the system Temp as temp dir for WinSCP.
Looked for Multiple Instances in Komodo. No such option.
Tried to edit a file with komodo closed

The problem is that everytime i try to open a file, either the original isn't there, or when it opens i cannot save the file.. Either way even if i get it safed somehow, changes are not reflected to the remote server...
P.S. Just in case the previous post didn't made it clear.. I looooove WinSCP..:)