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Re: Script - more files upload (from text file)

in first case it is nice to generate list files and add "put" but i need to do it every day automaticaly :-o

It would be great if you could send me info about new version.

Thanks a lot for good program ;-)

Ota (spams <zavinac> seznam <tecka> cz)

Re: Script - more files upload (from text file)

Ota wrote:

Can I define a file which contains list of files to be uploaded? (I have already checked FAQ and script example but didnt help me)

No. But if you generate the list file, you may generate it to contain "put " before each file name :-)
It could be solved by wildcards - but as Ive read in another thread they are not supported (is it true?)

They will be supported in the next version. I'm going to implement it in the next few days. If you send me an email, I can send you pre-release version as soon as it is ready.

Script - more files upload (from text file)

Im tring to upload more files (always different names) to server. Can I define a file which contains list of files to be uploaded? (I have already checked FAQ and script example but didnt help me)
It could be solved by wildcards - but as Ive read in another thread they are not supported (is it true?)

Ota (Praha :-))