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Topic review


martin wrote:

Luke_Canada wrote:

Hard to resume? But there's a check box "Don't ask again". if I check it, it will never ask me again just automaticly resume a file...

I have not meant "resuming" transfer of one file. I've meant to resume whole transfer. I.e. to remember current state (what files were already tranfered, what file in what subdirectory was being transfered the last time, etc...).

When it disconnects/loses connection, it loses all the background transfers :( - this isn't resuming really is it? Looks like a lot of people looking for this feature! ;)


Luke_Canada wrote:

Hard to resume? But there's a check box "Don't ask again". if I check it, it will never ask me again just automaticly resume a file...

I have not meant "resuming" transfer of one file. I've meant to resume whole transfer. I.e. to remember current state (what files were already tranfered, what file in what subdirectory was being transfered the last time, etc...).

Hard to resume? But there's a check box "Don't ask again". if I check it, it will never ask me again just automaticly resume a file...

I would be very greatful if you could come up with something like that...


WinSCP is already really useful software, so the choice is yours. However, this would make WinSCP 100x cooler!

Re: Auto Reconnect posible

It is not difficult to add option to make Reconnect button be pressed automatically. But obviously it is not what you need. You probably need to resume the transfer that was in the middle, when connection is dropped. And is the difficult part. I do not mean that it is impossible, but it is just difficult to implement.

Auto Reconnect posible

Auto reconnect is possible. Year ago I had Win 2000 Advenced Server running FTP (not secure) and users used ftp client called "Core FTP Lite". It has a build in "Auto Reconnect" check box. To turn auto on, i had to check that box, and save my username and password... it worked beautifully...

I needed a secure shell thou, that's why the change to the linux...

SO, THE BOTTOM LINE, can WinSCP to that too?

Auto Reconnecting

That's right. Sometimes on my linux server are so many SFTP user uploading and downloading that the connections are dropped or just simply disconnected. To cannect back you need to press just one botton. The problem is that if you are not there or just sleeping :wink: you cannot press that reconnect button, right?

Is there anyway to do so automaticly?

I don't want to ask my mom to check it out so aften... :lol:

The error message

"Copying files from remote side failed.
Network error: Software caused connection abort"

That is the error. I am connected to a slow server, I am able to hit reconnect to reconnect and continue downloading the file, but it would be MUCH more convenient to have this done automatically

Re: Auto-Retry

Dave321 wrote:

I heard it's possible to script an Auto-Retry if the connection fails on a file transfer. Does anyone have this script, or is it a built in feature?

AFAIK it is not possible, but maybe I do not understand what you exacly mean by "connection fails on a file transfer".


I heard it's possible to script an Auto-Retry if the connection fails on a file transfer. Does anyone have this script, or is it a built in feature?