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Re: Unistalling WinSCP

It seems that the uninstallation collided with Norton file protection (what I believe the NPROTECT directory indicates). If you do not have the uninstall command available anymore, just remove the icons from the start menu manually and delete the C:\RECYCLER\NPROTECT\00395366.exe.

Unistalling WinSCP

Hi! I unistalled WinSCP 3.3 to upgrade to version 3.7. However, the unistall procedure failed. After installing the new version both versions continue to be there. Although I no loger have the old WinSCP directory in my computer the program is still in my computer, I can still call it from the icon in the All Programs... menu. In the properties dialog of this icon I can see the file it call is C:\RECYCLER\NPROTECT\00395366.exe, but I cannot locate this directory in the Windows Explorer... First, I do not understand what is goingo on. Second, I would like to unistall the old WinSCP. Any suggestion?