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Topic review


OK, I see. I'm afraid that I won't have time for this in near future.

Hey Martin

I am currently automating psftp. I find this to be an inelegant solution, and am trying to get to a more "native" interface, so I can display program information in my application without having to go through the horror of dos command piping. I have a ready solution with the Secureblackbox components, but I would only be using a small subset of their capabilities. I think this is a basic need for a lot of folks, and would like to see a free open source interface available, so I would rather spend my cash on helping develop one than funding a closed source solution.


Re: Dll usable by Delphi

I have such DLL in a long term plan. But I guees that you need this soon :-)

Would scripting satisfy your needs?

Dll usable by Delphi

Hey All, this is my first post here. I am about to pay $279 for Secureblackbox components so I can use SFTP to upload to my server. Not that I begrudge these folks a living, but I dont like seeing that there are no tools available for Delphi for this purpose. I have absolutely no idea about the complexity of doing this, but I would be willing to pay someone $400 US to produce a DLL based on the winscp stuff that would enable me to do simple file transmits, lists and reads via sftp. I would need to use it in a closed source app, but would be obviously like the DLL and source to be available to everyone.

If anyone is interested, please contact me at

or reply here.