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AC wrote:

I have the same problem (central european umlauts). When will this patch be included in the real release of WinSCP?

Can you tell me what is your server? I'm curious as this particular problem is not likely to occur for anything else that asian character sets. So it maybe that it only looks like the same problem.

Anyway, you can get "official" version. You need to set "Server does not use UTF-8" to "Off" on SFTP tab of login dialog.

I have the same problem (central european umlauts). When will this patch be included in the real release of WinSCP?
(In the mean while... I'll try the patched version... it's just not from the "trusted" source...)


Re: How to see UTF-8 filename on WinSCP

May you can contact author of this post. He probably has patched WinSCP solving your problem.
Ching Chi Fai

How to see UTF-8 filename on WinSCP


Our server was using UTF-8 as coding for some Chinese filename, but we can not see true chinese file when we using WinSCP. We are using Chinese Windows XP.

