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Re: Great Utility...Couple questions

Guest12345 wrote:

I'm using scripts to sync directories on a daily basis. I was wondering how you pass the syncdelete parameter? I see it as an option but there is no example.

option synchdelete <value>
See "help option"

Also, are there any levels of logging? I'd like a lot less detail to sort thru.

No. The logging as is is primarily intended for debugging, so useful only for me :-) I plan to add logging useful for users too (like logging transfered files...).

Great Utility...Couple questions

I'm using scripts to sync directories on a daily basis. I was wondering how you pass the syncdelete parameter? I see it as an option but there is no example.

Also, are there any levels of logging? I'd like a lot less detail to sort thru.

Thanks again for the great app.
