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Re: check for updates doesn't work

Thank for info. That's consequence of move of WinSCP site. Unfortunatelly version before 3.7 cannot cope with the redirects. I have returned the update script to sourceforge. So not it should work.

If this function doesn't work, is there an update file? Or do I just download the whole app and do a new install over the current one?

There was never update file. The function just tells you whether there is or isn't new version. So download new version and install it over the current one.

check for updates doesn't work

I am using version 3.6.1 on XPsp2 and when I click on Check for Updates I get this error:

Range check error

and sometimes this error:

10054:Connection reset by peer

If this function doesn't work, is there an update file? Or do I just download the whole app and do a new install over the current one?