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Re: howto log and show a non-interactive session

Hermann_ wrote:

My question: is it possible to see a winscp session by typing i.e. "finger" or "last" in the console? Is there a special command? Or is there an other way to show and log a winscp session?

Sorry, but I really do not know. You should direct your question to support of your server.

howto log and show a non-interactive session

Hi Martin,
this is indeed an old postin but it relates to my question.

My question: is it possible to see a winscp session by typing i.e. "finger" or "last" in the console? Is there a special command? Or is there an other way to show and log a winscp session?

I also tried to configure my sshd server that it will log any non-interactive sessions as well. But there was no option for that or i could not find one...


Re: Register WinSCP login in LAST log

Putty logs an entry in /var/log/wtmp everytime someone logs on. WinSCP doesn't. It would be most convenient if it were possible to allow WinSCP to make such an entry.

I do not think that PuTTY logs anything on the server. I even do not think that it is possible.

It is rather your SSH server that does it. And it probably does it only for interactive sessions (PuTTY) and not for non-interactive ones (WinSCP).

To verify this try to login using PuTTY with checked "Don't allocate a pseudo terminal" on SSH tab. It brings PuTTY session closer to what WinSCP does, but not exactly.

Re: Register WinSCP login in LAST log

martin wrote:

Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean. Please try again :-)

Putty logs an entry in /var/log/wtmp everytime someone logs on. WinSCP doesn't. It would be most convenient if it were possible to allow WinSCP to make such an entry.

Hope this clears up the confusion.


Re: Register WinSCP login in LAST log

Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean. Please try again :-)

Register WinSCP login in LAST log

Is there a way to register a WinSCP login in a the normal LAST log file? Putty registers the login, but WinSCP doesn't.

Any help with this would be appreciated.
