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For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: Unexpected directory listing line in embedded linux

Yes, that was it. I recompiled busybox to show date in the shell and now it works. EWRT distribution comes with an extremly conservative .config which did not show many basics things on the shell. Thanks!

Re: Unexpected directory listing line in embedded linux

WinSCP should be able to handle "0 0" instead of owner/group, but I do not see any timestamp. That's probably what causes the problem.

Unexpected directory listing line in embedded linux


I am using winscp to try send information to a wrt54g router with busybox linux / dropbear. The login (username/password) works fine. But then, I get the line:
Unexpected directory listing line 'drwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 0.'. Any idea how to solve this issue? I did ssh to the box and an ls shows " 0 0" instead of owner/group. Not sure if winscp can deal with this format or I need to change something in the shell. Thanks!