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thanks :)

Re: can't overwrite local read-only files

I'll make "option confirm off" disable this prompt.

how about an option that makes WinSCP don't set the read-only flag on Windows when copying a mode 700 file (keep in mind that the other unix file permissions are lost, too).

See documentation.

can't overwrite local read-only files


I regulary make a copy of some configuration and user files of a remote Linux box using WinSCP.

The relevant snippet of a script I use:
option batch on

option confirm off
option synchdelete on
open user:pw@host
synchronize local "E:\Backup Server\etc\" /etc

This works fine in the first place. However, in a consecutive run, when a file which has mode 700 on the Linux box has been updatet, I get the following error
File 'E:\Backup Server\etc\gshadow-' is read-only. Overwrite?
(Y)es, (N)o, (A)bort, N(o) to All, Y(e)s to All: Abort

This is because WinSCP set the read-only flag on the Windows copy when I did the initial run.

There should be a way to syncronize also mode 700 file to a local copy. Either WinSCP should not honor the read-only flag (or unset it and set it again after the copy), or how about an option that makes WinSCP don't set the read-only flag on Windows when copying a mode 700 file (keep in mind that the other unix file permissions are lost, too).
