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Topic review


Ah... I didn't know that this is a requested feature.

Well, thanks for considering!

Can I tell an ssh sync operation to ignore an unreadable shared file?

I'm using this command line to sync local files with a remote machine via ssh: /log=sync.log /loglevel=0 /command "option transfer binary" "open sftp://username:password@ -privatekey=key.ppk" "cd ~/backup" "lcd d:\" "synchronize remote -mirror -delete -preservetime" "exit"

The process stops because on the files cannot be read by WinSCP, as it is already being used by another process:
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.328 File: 'D:\portable\seamonkey\profile\parent.lock' [2015-12-13T22:39:29.578Z] [0]
* 2015-12-14 00:54:50.359 (EOSError) System Error.  Code: 32.
* 2015-12-14 00:54:50.359 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.359 Asking user:
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.359 Can't open file 'D:\portable\seamonkey\profile\parent.lock'. ("System Error.  Code: 32.
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.359 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process")
< 2015-12-14 00:54:50.375 Script: Can't open file 'D:\portable\seamonkey\profile\parent.lock'.
< 2015-12-14 00:54:50.375 Script: System Error.  Code: 32.
< 2015-12-14 00:54:50.375 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
* 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 (EScpSkipFile) Can't open file 'D:\portable\seamonkey\profile\parent.lock'.
* 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 System Error.  Code: 32.
* 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 Script: Failed
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 Script: Exit code: 1
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 Closing connection.
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.390 Sending special code: 12
. 2015-12-14 00:54:50.406 Sent EOF message

After this, WinSCP exits.

I would like for WinSCP to ignore the unreadable file and proceed with the rest. Is this possible?