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Re: open site

martin wrote:

Shellas Sahib wrote:

I dont have a choice of saving a password and want to pass it to the script.

Did you specify the password on Login dialog, before you hit Save?

Yes we specified the password and it is not saving. even if it saves, our corporate policy wont allow saving password, unless WinSCP saves in as encrypted.

Re: open site

Shellas Sahib wrote:

I dont have a choice of saving a password and want to pass it to the script.

Did you specify the password on Login dialog, before you hit Save?
Shellas Sahib open site

I am using on a script to connect from Windows to iSeries. I used the GUI and created a session with all configurtaion setup and username. I dont have a choice of saving a password and want to pass it to the script.

My issue is i want to know when i use the open command with the site, is there a way to pass the password? DAont prefer to use the open ftp:// command.

see below i am doing from command prompt: /script=E:\Command\ftpscript.txt

option batch continue
option confirm off
open Test1
lcd E:\Input