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Re: Can I tell WinSCP to be less detailed in it's log?

The WinSCP session log is for debugging, not for logging transfers.

Use XML log instead.

Can I tell WinSCP to be less detailed in it's log?

I'm using this line to sync from a local directory to a remote one via ssh: /log=sync.log /loglevel=0 /command "option transfer binary" "open sftp://username:password@ -privatekey=key.ppk" "cd ~/backup" "lcd d:\" "synchronize remote -mirror -delete -preservetime" "exit"

and log file that I get in one sync is around 160MB. I've looked inside it and it's very detailed. Can I tell WinSCP not to be so detailed about the operation it performs?

I'm okay for one line per file that was copied. Something like the output that robocopy and 'rsync -av' output.