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Hi Mike,

Thxs for your feedback here and on superuser.

To make it more clear. I want more the one connection to one single ftp server with the use of scripting.
The cmd line version is not supporting this. That's clear. So I now use the .exe file but I cannot get this work. I now have:

md n:\backupftp\\public_html
winscp.exe /script="ithaka.txt"

And the Ithaka.txt scirpt file
lcd n:\backupftp\\public_html
get *.*

I can see in the windows task manager that it is running. I do not see any interface anymore (no dos box, no GUI). If i turn on logging to a file I can see 1 connection to 1 server.

I only get it working when I use drag en drop in the GUI, so I guess the only question left is....

Can it be possible that winscp will download parallel connections from 1 single ftp server other then the drag and drop methode?

Re: Number of connections not working?

martin wrote:

OK, so you want that single script to run over multiple parallel connections, right? It's not supported in scripting.

Thxs, clear.

Can I give the scripting commands to the GUI interface. So the interface is displayed in a window and is doing this task? Is that supported?

For me it doesn't matter if I see a dos window or GUI interface as long as I can put the command by scripting to the tool. The number of websites I want to backup is growing and the scripts command will be generated from a database ...

Re: Number of connections not working?

OK, so you want that single script to run over multiple parallel connections, right? It's not supported in scripting.

Re: Number of connections not working?

martin wrote:

You didn't tell us what you did to script multiple connections.

I did: i opened the GUI and set the options as described here:

As the GUI uses the same ini file these options should be used in the cmd line version. But I get the feeling the cmd line version is not displaying it or I should do it differently.

It is not about 10 connections to 10 servers. It's is about 10 or 8 connections to the same server.

Ps: you wrote a nice peace of software !

Number of connections not working?


I'm working on Win8, 64b

I want to download several websites by ftp in the command line interface. So therefore I script first 1 site, if this is working well I will add the other 150 sites

So first I created a batch file:

md n:\backupftp\\public_html
winscp.exe /script="ithaka.txt" /ini=WinScp.ini /log=log.txt

Then the content of the script file
lcd n:\backupftp\\public_html
get *.*

Everything is working good, but only with 1 connection. So I opened the GUI. Set I looked in the manuals and did:
Set transfer in background to yes
Enable que processing by default.

In the GUI interface it is working well. In the cmd line version not. I looked into the help sections, google etc etc but cannot find it.

Is the cmd line version supporting this or should I do something else? How to get it running with 8 connections....

For me it doesn't matter what kind of interface is displayed. As long as I can all command by script.

Any support will be appreciated.