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Re: Hidden installation/execution

martin wrote:

You do not have to install WinSCP.
WinSCP is portable.
Just extract winscp.exe to a temporary location and run it.

Hi prikryl

thanks for the info. I'll try this then.


Re: Hidden installation/execution

You do not have to install WinSCP.
WinSCP is portable.
Just extract winscp.exe to a temporary location and run it.

Hidden installation/execution

Hi all
I am looking to update an application on a computer (with windows XPe). Part of the update I need to send a file via FTP to a device connected to the computer I'm updating.
The computer does not have ftp client (it is a XPe) and I'd like to install/use the WinSCP from the update installer I will create.
Part of the installer I can set an .exe to run once I've updated my application. How can I install WinSCP so that the user will not be prompted with the interface(background/hidden installation), and/or can I run WinSCP in memory to do the transfer?
For the latter it needs to support command line.

I hope it makes sense - I tried to keep it short.
