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Winscp command line against ftpS on DSL line

have strange problem using winscp from command line against ftpS server (iis)
In some cases, where DSL line is not as good as it can be, transfer (put) starts with normal speed but after short time transfer speed is lowered to minimum values and then fall to zero. If I try to retry operation, seems file is locked (???) - log message:"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. "

If I transfer file using classic ftp protocol or using another client, transfer behave normally.
Does it need some special options?

Attached debug log. I try to use newest version of winscp but no change. I does not understand, why (for example) transfer this file using TighVNC success but using winscp fail. Also does not understand, what for I'm unable to start new session and new transfer after failed one.