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when we copied the same file to our local system and modified few entries and placed again on server it was causing the same problem.

These are three steps. Which of them modified the format?
And again, WinSCP won't change a date format. That's just a nonsense.


Sorry on not being clear earlier. the format appears same in CSV too. but when picked up from an ETL tool the dates from CSV get converted from dd-mm-yyyy to yy(first 2 digits of year)-mm-dd. One strange behavior is that when we sent a file from mailbox the format dint change but when we copied the same file to our local system and modified few entries and placed again on server it was causing the same problem.

So my suspect is that it must be because of some encoding issue while transferring files.

Re: Issue while working with excel files in WinScp

WinSCP can hardly change a cell format of an Excel file.

How do you even test it? Do you download the file back and re-open it? Or do you download it on a different machine and open it there?

Issue while working with excel files in WinScp


We are working with Excel files which get transferred from Windows system to our server in Winscp(version 4.1.7). when we copy files manually to Winscp the date format,text format etc. of few files change than the original files. Again when we manually enter those data in new excel and place again and do not face the problem.
Would like to know if we are missing anything while transferring files from windows to Winscp(Protocol SFTP) which is causing this problem.

Eventually from our end when we convert these excels to CSV we are getting some special characters being appended in few cells of excel.
again has this something to do with files being transferred between 2 different operating system (i.e. windows to Unix)

GUI of our application is Explorer
