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Re: I can transfer a file in GUI, transferring using a script returns as permission denied

In the GUI, you go to /INTERFACES/FUL/ARCH, while in the script you go to /root/INTERFACES/FUL/ARCH. So I suppose, you just need to remove the /root from the path.

Also, you urgently need to upgrade.

I can transfer a file in GUI, transferring using a script returns as permission denied

I have created an SSIS package with an execute process task that runs WinSCP. I am running Visual Studio 2012 as admin.

The script is very straightforward where it is opening a session and then navigates to a directory to get a file. I have complete access to the directory upon checking in the GUI. However running the package encounters a permission denied error and the task fails. I have read all FAQs but still Im stuck.

I have attached both logs. Thank you in advance.[/img]