Sorry, no. The log file is identical for the first and the third file. I expect this to be a server-side problem.
I know it sounds unbelievable but it is only the first file that does not upload successfully. I have even tried uploading in multi file mode using 'mput %1\*.txt' command but that has the same issue.
As to using WINSCP on another server, I have but only to upload a single file and that seems to work OK.
I thought the log file would shed some light as to what the server might be doing which you could interpret. Do you have any other recommendations ?
Is it really only the first file? Did you check the third too?
Did you try to test your script against another server? (not Globalscape)
I am using WINSCP.COM version 5.7.7 build 6257 to transfer files to an sftp site using a private key. The upload runs via a batch script called for each file it uploads (normally 3 files) which is basically as shown below where parameters are substituted.
echo open sftp://%4:%5@%3 -privatekey=%6 >grgtransfer.sftp
echo cd %7 >>grgtransfer.sftp
echo put %1\%2 >>grgtransfer.sftp
echo close >>grgtransfer.sftp
echo exit >>grgtransfer.sftp /log=%logfile1% /script=grgtransfer.sftp
The script logs on and uploads OK except the first file it uploads always appears blank after completion, even though a listing of the file shows a valid byte size.
I have attached a log file showing the upload (blanked secure data items) for all 3 files showing the first file as successful and valid byte size. I am not a comms expert but can anyone see what might be the cause from the log detail.