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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

but the author of the program have chosen the word New, so I prefer more accurate translation.

I didn't choose the "New". It's the standard in Windows (for example in Windows Explorer).

Hello ychelovek,

I think this topic is more appropriate for such reports.

I agree with you and I believe that agreement (in gender) should be between the word New and the words File, Directory, and Link in the Russian translation. Futhermore, I use the word папка only for connection folder, but words каталог or директория in the context of file storage.

So I changed the translation to новый → каталог and новый → ярлык instead of папка and ссылка, respectively.

I also think that the word создать is more habitual in the context than the word новый, but the author of the program have chosen the word New, so I prefer more accurate translation.

Bad translation

Hello. For over 5 versions use your program, but it is very annoying mistranslation from the context menu New -> Folder. In Russian it sounds disgusting. Better to do Create -> Directory. Attached is an image to help you understand.
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