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Re: winscp times out authentication failed putty works

johnlarson wrote:

thanks for the reply I don't have a firewall installed on the server (it's not connect to the internet). It worked at one time and I haven't used the program for a while. how familiar are you with freebsd unix. that is what I am using on a Personal lan.

I haven't meant firewall on the server. Rather, I've meant firewall on your workstation (for example the WinXP default one).

Re: winscp times out authentication failed putty works

martin wrote:

Please make sure that WinSCP is not blocked by some firewall per-application rule.

thanks for the reply I don't have a firewall installed on the server (it's not connect to the internet). It worked at one time and I haven't used the program for a while. how familiar are you with freebsd unix. that is what I am using on a Personal lan.
John Larson

Re: winscp times out authentication failed putty works

Please make sure that WinSCP is not blocked by some firewall per-application rule.

winscp times out authentication failed putty works

I have a peer to peer network with a freebsd apache2 webserver and a win2k client connected by a crossover cable. I can connect using putty but I cannot using winscp. It worked before so I am at a loss. the freebsd log files say connection refused authentication timed out.
John Larson