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Re: WinSCP on Server 2016, Windows 10 running on Citrix

tho wrote:

Thanks for testing this! Could you also tell me whether version 5.9.4 also works on MS Server 2016 without upgrading? This is the latest version we're running.

Please do not use an old version of WinSCP.
Having that said, there's no reason it should not work.

Re: WinSCP on Server 2016, Windows 10 running on Citrix

martin wrote:

I have successfully tested WinSCP on Windows Server 2016.
Documented here:

Thanks for testing this! Could you also tell me whether version 5.9.4 also works on MS Server 2016 without upgrading? This is the latest version we're running.

Thanks in advance!

Re: SFTP Connection on Server2016 via Citrix

Can you post a verbose Cyberduck and FileZilla log file?
Did you check your Windows firewall for application-specific rule that may prevent WinSCP from connecting?

Re: SFTP Connection on Server2016 via Citrix

Yes I can ping the system with hostname / nslookup etc. and I have already tried to connect to other systems. But with winscp it doesn`t work. Therefore I have checked with other tools e.g. cyberduck and filezilla this works as designed.



Re: SFTP Connection on Server2016 via Citrix

CTXMAN wrote:

I am wondering if you can help me with the latest version of winscp on server2016, because I can´t reach any Host via SFTP via Hostname. If I try to connect, I get the error message Host does not exist. If I tried with the IP Address I the Application can connect.
It works on Server2012 R2 before.

Can you connect with any other SSH/SFTP client? Can you even ping the hostname?

SFTP Connection on Server2016 via Citrix

I am wondering if you can help me with the latest version of winscp on server2016, because I can´t reach any Host via SFTP via Hostname. If I try to connect, I get the error message Host does not exist. If I tried with the IP Address I the Application can connect.
It works on Server2012 R2 before.

Do you have a clue?

Best Regards.


Re: WinSCP on Server 2016, Windows 10 running on Citrix

We are not aware of any problems.

WinSCP on Server 2016, Windows 10 running on Citrix


I'm writing because my company are potentially upgrading to MS Server 2016 on Citrix.

I was just wondering if there's any known compatibility issues with running WinSCP on Server 2016, Windows 10 running on Citrix?

Thanks, any help on the compatibility would be a great help in alleviating the risk and allowing for the upgrade.