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Topic review


That's fine ... I found it. Thanks a lot !

Can you give an example of how to use this with WinSCP. The pkzip is installed on the remote m/c and that is where those files are.


Re: Remote Command through script

Use command "call". Type "help call" to learn how.

Remote Command through script


I am using WinSCP version 3.7.6 with Norton interface. I have written a script to download files from a Windows 2003 server to my Windows XP m/c and I am invoking that through command line console as :

winscp376 Administrator@host /console /script=script.txt

I am able to do that successfully. But I also want to add that remote file into zip through pkzip that is instaleld on the remote server. I can do that through the GUI but I want to be able to do that through the script or command option. How can I do that ?